III 362. Chersonesos.Epitaph of Theagenes and Ulpia Makaria, II century C.E.
Dimensions (cm)
H.101.0, W.53.5, Th.20.0.
Additional description
Rectangular stele with a relief pediment (a rosette in the centre) and acroteria. In a rectangular inset area: a relief of standing male and female figures, dressed in chiton and cloak, with the woman standing on a pedestal. The right hand of each figure is pressed to the chest, the left is down. In his left hand, the man holds a scroll, the woman - the hem of her cloak. Below the relief is three-line inscription cut following ruled lines.
Place of Origin
Find place
Sevastopol (Chersonesos).
Find context
In one of rock-cut tombs outside the city wall.
Find circumstances
Found in 1793; subsequently kept in the church of St. John the Baptist (see Clarke 1810, 495; Мурзакевич 1837, 645; Dubois de Montpéreux 1843, 169; KW 61, № 355). In 1846, the monument was sent to St. Petersburg.
Modern location
Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Institution and inventory
The State Hermitage Museum, Х.1793.1.
Epigraphic field
On the front.
Slightly elongated letterstrokes; alpha with broken (in line 3 - with straight) crossbar, eta and theta with detached crossbars, kis in the shape of dzeta (without the vertical), pi with extended horizontal; ligatures, word divisions.
Letterheights (cm)
II century C.E.
Dating criteria
Palaeography, onomastics.
Waxel1803, 2, № 3; Clarke1810, 495; Koehler1826, 782, note 812; CIG II 2100; Köhne1848, 108 (= 1848a, 117); IOSPE I 215 (= IOSPE I2 453).
<div type="edition" xml:lang="grc">
<lb n="1"/>Θεαγένης Χρηστίωνος
<g ref="#stop"/> καὶ
<lb n="2"/>ἡ γυνὴ αὐτοῦ <g ref="#stop"/> Οὐλπία Μα
<lb n="3" break="no"/>καρία ἐτῶν <num value="65">ξε</num> κὲ <num value="52">νβ</num>· χαῖρε.
Sumarokov1800, 121; Pallas1801, 74; Murzakevich1837, 645; Dubois de Montpéreux1843, 169; Graefe1848, 373; Stephani1850, 79; Mansvetov1872, 49; Kieseritzky, Watzinger1909 61, № 355; Античная скульптура Херсонеса1976 99, № 313; Solomonik1990, 83, № 85.
Apparatus criticus
3: ΚΕ in ligatura, κέ = καί ξε’Kirchhof,Kieseritzky; ⸢ξ⸣ε’IOSPE
Theagenes, (son of) Chrestion, and his wife Oulpia Makaria, 65 and 52 years old. Greeting.
The monument most likely dates to the middle of the II century C.E.
© 2017 Igor Makarov (edition), Irene Polinskaya (translation)
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